Friday, April 1, 2011

Work-from-home ideas for the conscientious customer

The U.S. career industry has been sluggish to recuperate from the recession, which means many Americans are nevertheless out of work. Thankfully, work from your home ideas are out there, particularly to those with some imagination. With a few tips to steer you in the right direction, working from home could be a true saving grace. Article source – Work-from-home job ideas you can use by MoneyBlogNewz.

Good reasons to work at home

Gainful employment is something people need. It helps people pay for every little thing they need. The Telework Research Network explains that United States workers and employers could save more than $750 billion per year by telecommuting or working at home 50 percent of the time.

Lots of that money comes from less oil being used to pay for gas. Productivity would increase by a projected 6.2 million man-years, which equates to $200 billion worth of labor annually. A decrease in highway maintenance and traffic accidents would be fairly common to see. There would also be less money put into utilities and real estate for companies.

You are work from your home option

It can be really hard to make lots of money on eBay, although it’s always an option. This is since the cost of product and shipping needs to be less than the amount getting paid, which is uncommon. Without getting on Craigslist and finding too many scams, there is a lot of work from your home opportunities accessible to you. As Clark Howard says, if a company states it will discover you a work from home career for a large fee upfront, it’s probably a scam. Keep away from the red tape with this work from home tips. Corporations often will ask for background check fees. This does not mean the business is not legitimate.

Work from home opportunities to fit your lifestyle

  • will get you to a virtual call center career after you pay a $45 fee for a background check. Typically there is customer service involved in these positions.
  • In addition to customer service telephone positions, Convergys can help you discover work from your home human resources and billing service opportunities.
  • A great source for freelance talents who like flexibility. Small Businesses look to Elance for web design, programming, Search Engine Optimization, graphic design and copywriting professionals. You’ll have to start bidding lower than normal rates at Elance unless you are very experienced since there are so many individuals willing to do it.
  • Want to work from your home as a virtual call center agent for a Fortune 200 business? You are more likely to get the career at with the $175 extensive background check over the $50 check. A dedicated land phone line for work only is required.

Worried about work from home rip-offs

You are able to figure out which home rip-offs and which are not by going to the Federal Trade Commission or Better Business Bureau websites. You will save lots of time and money this way.


Better Business Bureau

Clark Howard

Dr. Phil

Federal Trade Commission

John Tesh has everything you need to work from home

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