Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The paying kids for grades argument

It’s going to come up. Parents will have to decide whether to pay their children for good grades. Some consider it a bit of incentive, while still more think it cheapens the concept of academic accomplishment. However if various studies of pay-for-grade programs at public schools are any indication, there is a middle road that comes with educating children as to the value of money. Resource for this article – Paying kids for grades: Capitalism in action by MoneyBlogNewz.

Arguing that ‘School is your job’

Some say that a kid is going to school which is why it is essential to pay for grades. Kids are supposed to be working to learn as much as possible. This is to prepare for the future. As such, paying for performance is like an employer compensating an employee.

Some say that students should be more concerned about personal growth in getting good grades though which is an argument against the payment. With grade payment, could students be more prepared? Are internships that are unpaid what students are preparing for? Some employees feel abused because of unpaid internships. Is it really worth it?

Pay for good grades programs have been instituted in numerous public school systems to good impact, reports the New York Times. Yet controversy has remained. This system is bad according to Manhattan Institute fellow Sol Stern who said it is “an insult to every hard-working parent.” Urban Leave President Darwin Davis, on the other hand, said it was great because it is just like the reward systems of United States capitalist society.

Avoid free labor

Compensating kids for their work educates kids how to work well. Moms and dads can do this to help their kids. Don’t do something for free ever. Kids must understand the value of money if this is something they can understand. Money Crashers know how to help teach kids the value of money:

  1. The importance of cash. When it comes to rewards, do not give a teenager a prepaid debit card. Avoid gift cards too. It becomes more essential for a teenager to save after holding money in their hands. They’ll feel what it is like to exchange the dollars and change for things at the store.
  2. Jobs are significant. Kids should learn to work hard with part-time employment on top of money for grades if they need more. Younger kids might simply do yard work to earn just a little bit if they are younger and don’t get an allowance. Teenagers can get a part-time job. They might even consider a paper route. Kids will learn to value money after having worked hard for it to understand it better.
  3. Kids can give too. Children have to learn about doing well in society. They do this by donating money or even their time. Kids will learn how to appreciate money and education when they learn to be selfless.


Money Crashers

New York Times

Exxon is paying high school students for grades

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