Thursday, February 10, 2011

Working moms have more overweight children, states study

Childhood obesity has tripled over the last 30 years, claim several studies. Now a connection might have been detected by an American University professor between overweight kids and moms who work a fantastic deal of the time from home. Households with moms who worked more hours had children with a higher body mass index (BMI) over their lifetimes, the study found. This is even without people getting payday advances to purchase their food.

The reason why obesity is linked

The January/February issue of the Child Development journal published the childhood obesity study. There were 990 kids from 10 cities in the United States in grades 3, 5, and 6 looked at. Study founder Prof. Taryn Morrissey from American University’s Public Administration and Policy department, found the total number of years working mothers were employed had a small however cumulative influence on their children’s Body Mass Index. It isn't good for a child to have a higher BMI. Chances of obesity go up with the BMI.

Surprisingly, such factors as the children’s physical activity amounts and TV time did not explain the connection between maternal employment and children’s BMI, the study indicates. Researchers were confused when even the time of day a mother worked didn't make a difference in the Body Mass Index level.

Not implementing the time to cook

The probably culprit that Morrissey and team identified was the lack of time working parents have to shop for groceries and prepare food. The link tended to be more about eating out and eating more pre-prepared foods which tend to have more calories in them.

How to fix it

Prof. Morrissey believes something needs to change considering behavior problems and obesity-related illnesses like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol could be brought on by childhood weight problems. It may also cause a lesser life expectancy which can be up to five years the Children's Hospital in Boston concluded in a study. Expanding the availability of healthy, affordable food is paramount to a healthier society.

"Community- and school-based programs offer promise for promoting healthy weight by providing information to children and their families about nutrition and exercise, as well as how to make quick, healthy meals," Morrissey said.

Articles cited

American University


USA Today

Mom, get your kids on the juice. Jack LaLanne would approve.

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